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Pulse Spa Welcomes You.!

උසස් මට්ටමේ තායි පාද සම්බාහනය සහ පූර්ණ ශරීර සම්බාහනය දැරිය හැකි මිලකට

දැන් කුරුණගල ඔබ වෙනුවෙන්...

සුදුසුකම් ලත් පිරිමි චිකිත්සකයින් විසින් නිවසට පැමිණ සිදු කෙරේ.

වයෝවෘද්ධ වැඩිහිටියන් සඳහා අපගේ විශේෂ සේවාවන්


යෝවෘද්ධ වැඩිහිටියන් සඳහා විශේෂිත අවශ්‍යතා සපුරාලීම සඳහා වයෝවෘද්ධ සම්බාහන ප්‍රතිකාර ක්රම සැලසුම් කර ඇත. මෙම ක්රම මගින් රුධිර සංසරණය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීමට, උපකාරී වේ. මානසික අවපීඩනය, සමබරතාවය සහ නම්යතාවය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම, ආතරයිටිස් වේදනාව අඩු කිරීම, සන්ධි සංචලතාව වැඩි කිරීම, ඉරියව් වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම සහ සමස්ත යහපැවැත්ම දිරිමත් කිරීම සඳහා උපකාරී වේ.

වයසට යත්ම සමස්ථ සෞඛ්යය පවත්වා ගැනීමට සහ වැඩිදියුණු කිරීමට වයෝවෘද්ධ සම්බාහනය විශේෂයෙන් උපකාරී වේ.ඔබ වයස්ගත වීම වැලඳ ගන්නා විට ඔබේ ස්වාධීනත්වය පවත්වා ගැනීමට සහ ප්රශස්ත සෞඛ්යයක් ලබා ගැනීමට ක්රියාශීලී, සෞඛ්ය සම්පන්න ජීවන රටාවක් ප්රධාන වේ.

මෙම ආකාරයේ සම්බාහනය මෘදු හා සැහැල්ලු සම්බාහන ක්රම වලින් ආතතියෙන් හා වේදනාවෙන් මිදීමට සහ සුවය ලබා ගැනීමට උපකාරී වේ.


We are beginning to discover nature thing’s through nature...

An ancient art.

The value of natural plant, oils has been recognized for more than 6000 years, for their healing, cleansing, preservative and mood-enhancing properties as well as for the sheer pleasure of their fragrances. Today these properties are being rediscovered as we look to the wisdom of past eras and civilizations to restore the balance that has been lost in modern day life. Stress, Pollution, unhealthy diet, hectic but sedentary life styles- all these factors have adverse effects on our bodies and spirits. The art of Aromatherapy harnesses the potent pure essences of aromatic plants, flowers, and resins, to work on the most powerful of senses –smell and touch to restore the harmony of body and mind.



The pure essence of aromatic plants have been prized for thousands of years for their health-giving properties and heady scents. Discover the ancient art of Aromatherapy, refined over the centuries and learn how to harness the therapeutic powers of essential oils in a relaxing, restorative massage that combines the sense of smell with healing value of touch. Use the beneficial properties of the oils to treat common ailments, promote good health and emotional wellbeing, and to enhance every aspect of your life. These potent volatile essences are nature’s gifts to mind and body.


The human touch.

The sense of touch is a powerful and highly sensitive form of communication. It is a natural reaction to reach out and touch, whether to feel the shape or texture of smoothing, or to respond to another person, perhaps by comporting them. A mother coddle her baby, family pets are stroked, sexual partners caress and if we accidentally knock a limb, we instinctively “rub it better”.

To touch someone can mean various things in different cultures. There are many social restrains which inhibit touching in public. For us a formal hand shake, nod of the head, and even a peek on each check are all recognized forms of greeting and yet you can carry them out without showing any real emotion. Indeed our rather formed approach to physical contact is contrary to our most basic instincts and needs. Fortunately we are now rediscovering the healing power of massage and other touch therapies which have been understood in other cultures for thousands of years.



Everyone enjoys massage from babies to the elderly from sportsman and women to friends and lovers, all can benefit from this powerful form of communication , an effective aid to relaxation massage helps to smooth away stress unknotting tens and aching muscles, relieving headaches and helping sleep problems . But massage is also invigorating it improves the functioning of many of the body’s systems, promotes healing and tones muscles, leaving you with a feeling of renewed energy.

About Us

About Us

Welcome to Pulse Spa Traditional Thai Massage and Wellness Therapy.

There's nothing quite like a relaxing and nourishing spa experience after a long day of travel and adventure, and Pulse Spa can provide you with exactly what you're looking for. With state of the art facilities, utilizing premium treatments, high quality services and products, and a team of experts, you can be assured that you're given the highest level of service possible. Rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul through a variety of available treatments. You can unwind with an Aromatherapy Body Massage with its ancient therapeutic method of using pressure points to relieve tension. The Foot Massage with Thai Traditional way uses specialized, Aroma Oils, carefully pressed into points at your feet, stimulating the nerves to help you relieve aches and regain energy - perfect for days after you've walked a long distance. With all the refreshing spa services available, you'll emerge feeling refreshed and ready for a new adventure.

පූර්ණ ශරීර සම්බාහනය

ශරීර සම්බාහනය මගින් යම් ශක්ති ලක්ෂ්‍ය මත සම්බාහන ක්‍රම මගින් පුද්ගලයෙකු තුළ ශක්තිය, චලනය හා ජීර්ණය සමතුලිත කළ හැකි අතර ශරීරයේ සහ මනසෙහි සමගිය පිළිබඳ හැඟීමක් ඇති කළ හැකිය.


Reflexology - තායි ප්‍රත්‍යාවර්ත ප්‍රතිකාර විද්‍යාව පාද, අත් සම්බන්ධ ප්රතිකාර

Reflexology යනු සාම්ප්‍රදායික පාද, අත් සම්බාහනය කරන ආකාරයකි. එහි සඳහන් වන්නේ පාද, අත් සහ කන් වල යම් යම් කරුණු ඇති බවයි. මෙම කරුණු හරහා අපට මුළු ශරීරයට හා එහි එක් එක් ප්‍රදේශයට සම්බන්ධ විය හැකිය. එමනිසා, මෙම කරුණු මගින් මුළු ශරීරයම පිළිබිඹු විය හැකිය. ප්‍රත්‍යාවර්ත විද්‍යාවට එම කරුණු මගින් පූර්ණ ශරීරයට සැහැල්ලුවක් ලබා දිය හැකිය.

Our team is working hard to make your visit memorable, we take great pride in providing exceptional guest care and attention at every turn.
We are all dedicated to your satisfaction and delight at the thought of your visit!
Our Therapists are highly trained professionals are the best of the best, combining their holistic knowledge and vast experience to help you find balance and bliss on your unique path. We are here to nurture you and help you to relax and find balance.
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Thai Reflexology Foot Massage

1 ½ Hour Reflexology - A rich, moisturizing cream is used to work specific reflex points in the feet and hands, which correspond directly to all parts of the body.

You will feel like you are walking on air after this treatment. Your therapist will work the legs, as in the 60 minute treatment. The additional 30 minutes will allow your therapist to spend more time on specific problem areas of the neck, back, low back and shoulders.

2000 Rs.


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Relaxing Body Massage

1 ½ Hour Massage - This 90 minute treatment will re-balance the body and relieve stress and tension while promoting an overall sense of


Your therapist will work the full body, as in the 60 minute treatment. The additional 30 minutes will allow your therapist to spend more time on specific problem areas of the neck, back, low back and shoulders.

2000 Rs.


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Massage for

Older Adults

Elderly adults typically exhibit dramatic reductions of rapid coordinated movements. Aches and pains, increasing stiffness, and reduced strength can make advancing age seem a weakened, fragile, and vulnerable state. Regular Massage, Body Work and gentle Movement Therapy provides the toning, reassuring and relaxing benefits which will activate one’s own body awareness and enables a powerful action of self-healing process.

2000 Rs.


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Contact Us

Pulse Spa

Kurunegala - Sri Lanka

Tel: 075 887 9860


Thanks for contacting us,We will get back to you ASAP.!

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